The McGuire Programme
Regional Director of The McGuire Programme in USA/CAOvercoming Stuttering And Changing Our Lives In Chicago
Home / Course Reports / Overcoming Stuttering And Changing Our Lives In Chicago
Stutterers from around the world came together in Chicago to work together to overcome their fears of speaking with the McGuire Programme.
In our second year in Chicago, the McGuire Programme welcomed people from all over the world to work together to learn to speak eloquently and overcome our stuttering.
As with many courses, attendees in Chicago hailed from across the United States and as far away as England and Israel. This just further reinforces the fact that ANYONE can make massive changes in their lives by following this incredible programme and its techniques for conquering the physical, psychological, and emotional challenges that stuttering poses.
I came to Chicago a few days ago… and now I can speak without blocking!
Now all of our new students, refreshers, and graduates are leveraging their LIFETIME support memberships, working with various McGP coaches as they continue to progress along their journeys toward speaking more articulately and eloquently.
It’s always so exciting to see people taking on the biggest challenges of their lives… and then setting goals and making progress toward achieving them, and we’re looking forward to the FINAL two courses in 2019 before we roll on into 2020.
Congratulations to everyone who attended – #KeepMovingForward!
Speak soon…
–Brian Sellers, McGP Regional Director – USA & Canada
Come to one of our upcoming USA/Canada courses in 2019!