Job interviews and my stutter/ stammer.
With all the doom and gloom in the world at the moment with the Covid-19 crisis, I thought I would share a little success story I have had during these turbulent times. Mark Catterall is my name and I‘ve been on the McGuire Programme for 18 months. I’m an engineer and before the McGuire Programme, I was always set on working behind the scenes in plant rooms etc., basically hiding away as much as possible.
After my first McGuire Programme course, I came home with newfound confidence. I challenged myself and went all-in, I was then offered a promotion to ‘Team Leader’ and then to a ‘Supervisor’ position.
What I love about the McGuire Programme is constantly wanting us to keep challenging ourselves. In my job, I knew I could be more. I saw an advertisement for an Estates Manager of an NHS Hospital. A job I had always thought was for the fluent speakers; a job that would never suit a person who stutters in my opinion.
I applied for the job anyway and by reaching out for the help of the McGuire coaches and fellow memebrs of the programme I became more and more prepared.
On the day of my job interview, I contacted my personal coach, a great McGuire Programme coach called Glenn Bills, who helped with the final preparation and on how I was going to disclose that I have a stammer/stutter. I was nervously waiting in the reception room for my interview and I thought to myself that this was the ideal opportunity to speak to the receptionist and do a disclosure, basically telling her that I’m a person who stutters, who is working hard to overcome it. This disclosure calmed my nerves and as soon as I got into the interview I decided to do another disclosure, this time to the whole interview panel and I felt for the first time in my life that I was in control and that I was able to sell myself the way that I wanted in an interview situation.
I am happy to say I start my new job next month! The McGuire Programme has shown me if you keep pushing yourself outside your comfort zone the world is your oyster!