Kaushik Valluri

Kaushik Valluri

Coach, Course Instructor, Member, Regional Director, Trainer
  • First Course: No Data
  • McGuire Region: India

The program provided me with a holistic way to retrain my thinking around speaking. It has allowed me to dream again to accomplish each one of my Big Hairy Audacious Goals.

My name is Kaushik Valluri. I took my first course in March of 2008 in Washington DC, USA.

I am happy to say that I am now past the slippery slope and well on my way to eloquence.

Prior to The McGuire Programme, I attended numerous speech therapy courses for a period of over 15 years, but only the McGP helped me to break through.

The program provided me with a holistic way to retrain my thinking around speaking. It has allowed me to dream again to accomplish each one of my Big Hairy Audacious Goals.

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