Luis Kantun
MemberI was no longer afraid of speaking, being proud to be who I am and now wanting people to listen to what I have to say, recovering my voice and my value!
For many years I felt afraid to speak in public, and I don’t mean CHALLENGING situations as an oral presentation in class or give an interview; for if it was already a nightmare just to imagine being in such circumstances, I’m talking about everyday situations: talking on the phone, asking something in class, for a dressing in restaurants or simply being able to order what I wanted. I always had to wait for that someone to order the same thing I wanted or, with a lot of shame, point from the menu the dish I wanted with my finger.
The time came when my stuttering not only began to affect me emotionally (a situation I got used to), but having problems with my academic and professional future, I remember having the correct answer of many questions during classes and not expressing them because of the fear of stuttering, having so many questions that stayed unanswered for the same fear of asking, pretending that I had forgotten the name of certain things because of the fear of getting stuck on a block or simply wanting to explain something to my classmates that I had understood very well, but not being able to do so because of this huge fear of speaking.
Tired of being a prisoner of my own voice and with an enormous physical, mental and emotional exhaustion I decided to seek help; first with psychologists and then speech therapists; but despite the support and explanations I received nobody seemed to understand what stuttering meant for me and how it made me feel. It was then in one of the many nights that I kept awake researching on the internet for explanations and treatments for stuttering I found the McGuire Programme, it was only the beginning of the decision that changed my life.
Soon I was able to take my first course in the city of Merida, and after 4 days of hard work, sacrifice, dedication, discipline and perseverance I became a graduate of the McGuire Programme. As if by “magic” I was no longer afraid of speaking, being proud to be who I am and now wanting people to listen to what I have to say, recovering my voice and my value! Currently, I have given talks and interviews on television, radio and in front of live audiences.
I am and I will be eternally grateful with the McGuire Programme, it completely changed the course of my life.
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