Naman Anand

Naman Anand

  • First Course: New Delhi, May 2015
  • McGuire Region: India

McGuire came into my life at a time when I most needed it. It has not only given a boost to my confidence, but it has also helped me in my professional life which was taking a beat till now. It is indeed the best investment I ever made.

Naman feared going to school because he’d be scared of the teacher taking the attendance where he had to shout ‘yes maam’ when his name was called out. Now, he is taking his stammer head-on and doing things he truly loves to do!

My life has been no different than that of any other person who stammers. We have always been forced to take a step back in life, at work, because of what we consider to be a thing that will not change no matter how much effort we make. And our fears have not been without reason.

I have stammered since I could remember!

I have stammered since I could remember. Fearing going to school because i would be scared of the teacher taking the attendance where I had to shout ‘yes mam’ when my name was called out. It would take out a major chunk of my self-confidence. This and other experiences going on for nearly 2 decades, dismembers, erodes, and never lets self-confidence fully build up.

And when someone has been through that, speech therapy courses can only do so much. I have done speech therapy courses before. Went to other cities too to attend courses that were touted as a successful cure for stammering. Maybe they were successful for some. But they did not work for me. And it’s only when I joined the McGuire Programme that I realise why they did not work for me in the first place.

I also joined the Programme after coming across the famous Gareth Gates’ video on youtube, May 2015 (Delhi) being my first course. Coming into the course, I did have many doubts, about the intensive nature of the programme, the fees, and more. But all my doubts faded into oblivion after the first day of the course.

By the end of the course after I had given my first public speech, I had a tear in my eye. 

And by the end of the course, after I had given my first public speech, I had a tear in my eye. The experience was that emotional. For a person who has run away from speaking situations all his life, for him to take blows at work, in relationships, just because of his speech, this meant more than anything. The reason McGuire works is that before telling you how you can overcome stammering, it makes you understand and realise what stammering is. The whole ambit of it.

Only when you know and understand it can you realise what areas do you need to work upon. And McGuire then tells you the how. It gives you the tools and techniques to overcome your fears. And eloquent speech follows with it. Intensively working for it for 4 days grills the techniques into you. Working on cutting down your fears is a lifelong task. But with each good experience, you hit that iceberg of fear and chip a little away.

McGuire came into my life at a time when I most needed it. It has not only given a boost to my confidence, but it has also helped me in my professional life which was taking a beat till now. It is indeed the best investment I ever made.

The reason McGuire works is that before telling you how you can overcome stammering, it makes you understand and realise what stammering is.  McGuire came into my life at a time when I most needed it.

I have just started working on my speech. It’s something that has to be done every day, every time i speak. And I know I am not alone in my journey 🙂

Click here for my first day/last day video.

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