Michael Joyes

Michael Joyes

Coach, Course Instructor, Member, Trainer
  • First Course: Cardiff, July 2012
  • McGuire Region: United Kingdom

I found it to be a liberating experience, revealing all the areas of my life my stutter had held me back and I felt excited at all the new speaking opportunities I could now go on to enjoy.

I attended my first course when I was 20 after stuttering for many years. My stutter would hold me back in social situations, at University and stop me from expressing my personality.

I had always planned to attend a course at some point after hearing about the McGuire Programme, but in the summer of 2012 I decided to do something positive about my speech and not let it hold me back anymore, how glad I am that I did.

I found it to be a liberating experience, revealing all the areas of my life my stutter had held me back and I felt excited at all the new speaking opportunities I could now go on to enjoy.

Soon after my first course I started a 12-month placement in France as part of my University degree and enjoyed every moment of the speaking challenges it presented. 

I am now a primary coach and I love giving back to the programme that has given me so much.

I compel anyone who has a stutter to give the McGuire Programme a try!

Join Us to Defeat Your Stutter

Change your perspective on how you live your life

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