Overcoming Stuttering In Washington, DC
The McGuire Programme
Regional Director of The McGuire Programme in USA/CA
- Course Date: March 25, 2020
- Course Location: Washington DC, USA
- Course Instructor: Paul Paluch
- Number of New Students: 1
The 2020 Washington, DC, McGuire Programme course almost didn’t happen. The COVID-19 pandemic was just starting to get serious in the USA, but attendees were polled and decided to hold the course.
Though some had to head home early, everyone made the most of their time at the course and was glad that they came.
It was a truly international course, with members from the UK, Sweden, Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, and across the USA coming together to help each other overcome their fears of speaking.
Through these 3 days, I have found better control over my speech!Quote from our new student.
One of the unique things about the McGuire Programme is that so many members return to continue to grow, and this course was no different.
Courses will be on hiatus for a period of time until the COVID-19 pandemic has subsided, but we all get to use the Programme’s incredible lifetime support network to continue to push our journeys forward to ever more articulate speech!
– Brian Sellers, McGuire Programme USA/Canada (previous Regional Director)