Reaching New Heights In Sydney Australia
The McGuire Programme
Regional Director of The McGuire Programme in Australia/New Zealand
- Course Date: May 19, 2019
- Course Location: Sydney Australia
The April Sydney Intensive Course marks 21 years since The McGuire Programme set roots in Australia.
The course was extra special – not only did we have many returning members, some from as long as 21 years ago, but we also had a very special guest instructor – Dave McGuire.
In 1994 at age 45, after a lifetime of dealing with the debilitating effects of a severe stammer, Dave McGuire developed a method based on breathing done by many opera singers (called “Costal Breathing”) and a traditional psychological approach is known as ‘non-avoidance’. This, with the addition of other components such as sports psychology and ways to counteract the freezing, struggle and distortion (and accompanying tricks and avoidance), were added to refine this physical and mental/emotional approach resulting in what we now know as the McGuire Programme.
Dave spent time instructing both the group sessions, as well as dedicating his time to one-on-ones with the new students and graduates, to help them get ahead in their journey to self-actualisation and control of their stutter.
The course was a huge hit, as they always are in Australia. A number of brand new people who have heard about the programme from other members, tv, radio, news or from their own research have undertaken the first step into their journey to overcome their stutter – by attending their very first intensive course. Over 50 returning graduates took the pilgrimage to Sydney and dedicated 4 days of their own time to work on what was important to them – becoming eloquent, confident and effective speakers.
We look forward to seeing even more people on our next course, on the Gold Coast, Australia, where we will have another great four-day intensive event, in the heart of the city, on the 24-28 of July.
Bye for now!
The McGuire Programme ANZ
P.S Have you seen us recently on TV? If you missed it – here is the video below!