On A Sunny Saturday, The Scandinavians Were Shining Even Brighter
The McGuire Programme
Regional Director of The McGuire Programme in Scandinavia
- Course Date: September 26, 2018
- Course Location: Aarhus, Denmark
- Course Instructor: Karoline Myrvang Breuner
Peter (to the right in the picture) called me before the intensive course in Aarhus, Denmark. He was already anxious about the contact session and the public speech. I told him to just think one step at a time; when it is time he will be ready for it, I said.
A camera team from Danish television was following Peter closely on his journey through the intensive course. Having a microphone on him at all times, he was really under more pressure. Luckily this Dane from the countryside had the will and power of an ox. Through hard work and dedication, tears and laughter, Peter found his powerful voice and belief in himself. So after the instructor got the attention of the whole marketplace in Aarhus city, all the new students were shining bright on the terrifying box – they were projecting their voice, making jokes and actually enjoying it! After Peter’s public speech, the other new students were giving high fives and encouraging him – and Peter had to admit, that it actually was not that terrifying after all. Peter found his voice, found a strong support system in the McGuire Programme, and found out that life has much to offer him – and he has much more to offer life.
Karoline Myrvang Breuner