Stuttering in the Media
From being afraid and unable to say his name in school, Callum went on to become a showbiz reporter and at the age of 21 is an inspiration to us all. In this interview, Callum talks about how the McGuire Programme helped him overcome his stutter and he became a showbiz reporter. Special thanks and credit to TalkTV and @jameswhale and @virtualash and the producer for allowing us to use the footage.
The McGuire Programme is best known as a stuttering program for adults. Some people refer to it as a stammer treatment, stuttering treatment, or indeed stuttering therapy however we do not offer stuttering therapy or a cure for stuttering, instead, we offer a community of people who stutter who want to become better than normal and become effective communicators. We are probably the largest self-help group for people who stutter aiming at going beyond stuttering. We have been helping people overcome their stutter (stammer) for 30 years and our members report a huge increase in their quality of life. A lot of people who stutter want to stop stuttering altogether, but unfortunately, there is no cure for stuttering; we offer the next best thing – going beyond stuttering.
You can learn more about us by contacting one of our local representatives in your country/region.
Our definition of stuttering is different from traditional speech therapists, we have our own set of techniques and most of all a huge support network for our members to work and coach each other to overcome their stammer (stutter)*.
* There is no difference in stammering vs stuttering – they are referring to the same thing, just different words used in different regions.
#mcguireprogramme #stuttering #stammering
If you are interested in hearing more about going beyond stuttering, please get in touch.