McGuire Programme on Elaine TV Chat Show via Virgin Media TV talking about stuttering.
The McGuire Programme brought Clariemarie’s journey to a different level.. and gave her the opportunity, thanks to Patrick Hanlon and Joe O Donnell, to appear as a guest on the Elaine Show on VirginMediaTV – speaking about growing up with a stammer and her involvement with the McGuire Programme. Clairemarie wanted to share that she is incredibly grateful for not only the voice the McGuire Programme has given to her but also the confidence and self-belief that she could even consider doing this interview.
She will be forever grateful to the McGuire Programme.
The support and lifelong friends (husband included Ashley Guerin!!) she has made over my 14 years involvement with the course have given her an immeasurable amount of guidance and encouragement… this interview talked a lot about growing up with a stammer so she couldn’t post this without thanking her incredible family & friends for being her voice when she didn’t have one.
Protecting and loving her unconditionally and pushing her to always challenge herself and be more than she ever thought she could be (there are far too many of you to tag in this post!) For family and friends abroad who asked for a link to the video. Here it is!