Time And Effort Working On Our Speech In Düsseldorf, Germany
Working On Our Speech. We held our last course of 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany for the German Region of The McGuire Programme. This was our 14th course in Germany since starting our first course in July 2015. We had 3 new students from far away places join us and over 20 returning members, who come back to work on their own life goals and to help the new students in grasping their new speaking techniques.
This is also a year of celebration, as The McGuire Programme celebrates its 25th year of helping people who stutter. This is not a quick fix or a magic cure for stuttering. We are playing the long game of continued progress and that process starts with every member’s first McGuire course. This is not a 3 or 4-day course, but a lifelong membership with a network of supportive people who stutter, helping people who stutter.
We held our last course of 2019 in Düsseldorf, Germany for the German Region of The McGuire Programme. This was our 14th course in Germany since starting our first course in July 2015.
We had 3 new students from far away places join us and over 20 returning members, who come back to work on their own life goals and to help the new students in grasping their new speaking techniques.
This is also a year of celebration, as The McGuire Programme celebrates its 25th year of helping people who stutter. This is not a quick fix or a magic cure for stuttering. We are playing the long game of continued progress and that process starts with every member’s first McGuire course. This is not a 3 or 4-day course, but a lifelong membership with a network of supportive people who stutter, helping people who stutter.
In order to master our new speaking habits, we have to put in intense ‘Time and Effort’ to develop the new physical and mental habits, and to make these new habits stronger than our old bad speaking habits. A basic ingredient of success is time and effort, right? This is no different. Your success or failure in overcoming stuttering will depend on your willingness to invest YOUR (intense) time and effort and do what it takes.
As a person who stutters and who stuttered out of control for over 38 years, I know all the struggles and avoidance’s a person who stutters creates for themselves. All the struggle that you see on the surface of an overt person who stutters and under the surface of a covert person who stutters is fuelled by efforts not to stutter. The more you resist being a person who stutters, the more you maintain the identity of a person who stutters. “Then why try to become a fluent speaker,” you ask? There is a big difference between trying not to stutter and trying to speak well. In sports psychology, it’s the difference between playing to win and playing not to lose. It is a matter of mental focus. Someone trying not to lose a tennis match, or not to stutter, is focusing on those things that cause poor performance. Someone “playing to win” (or trying to be an effective, articulate, eloquent speaker) is focusing on those things that improve performance.
Our members do the teaching and coaching – there are no professional staff of speech therapists we believe that the real experts are those who have personally worked through the problem, and the best way to learn something is to teach it to others.
The McGuire Programme is the best long-term follow‑up programme in the world. There is no other like it. Get in touch with one of our local representatives or fill in the no-obligation online application form. I did over 15 years ago, and it changed my life for the better.
- DÜSSELDORF, GERMANY 18.-21.03.2020
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