Living with a stammer was difficult: My story of overcoming a stammer

Living with a stammer was difficult: My story of overcoming a stammer

A UK McGuire member, Anthony Gray, wrote an article for the Edinburgh University newsletter to celebrate and spread the awareness of stammering for International Stuttering Awareness Day on the 22nd of October titled: ‘Living with a stammer was difficult: My story of overcoming a stammer.’

‘This stutter course changed my life’: How a speech program is helping Manchester residents overcome their stammer/stutter.
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‘This stutter course changed my life’: How a speech program is helping Manchester residents overcome their stammer/stutter.

“These guys started out on Wednesday night not being able to say their names, Thursday night they can say their names and addresses, Friday they were able to do telephone calls to complete strangers, and here we are on Saturday watching them find new confidence in their voice and putting it into action”.